Rounding up our swim favorites for FALL!

Created By : 07-Oct-2015 Write By: BLUMOSS Published In: ROOT Hits: 2251 Comment: 0


We love autumn but refuse to get caged in by sweater weather. Besides, the right maillot can complement outfits that help you transition into fall. From easy layering to flaunting underneath a tulle mini, swimsuits can help take you from weekend casual to girls’ night out. Get the look with our three favorite styles of the season:

  1. Villa - the plunging neckline balances a flowing maxi. Add a scarf for gypset allure.

  2. Naomi - pair with a skater skirt or leather mini. Add a faux fur vest and get ready for a sassy night out with the girls.

  3. La Digue - wear with wide-legged pants for an effortless “athleisure” vibe.

Beach Beauty Renewal Tips

Created By : 31-Aug-2015 Write By: BLUMOSS Published In: ROOT Hits: 2394 Comment: 0


All summer long we’ve been enjoying the outdoors, soaking up Vitamin D and spending days along the ocean. Now is the time to take pause and give your skin a boost in renewal by adding these tips to your beach beauty regime:


1. Treat yourself to a hydrating spa facial - it will exfoliate dry skin and prime your face to receive much needed moisture.


2.  Buy a jar of virgin coconut oil from Whole Foods - it comes in handy for more than just cooking! Smooth a generous amount over your limbs and body - make sure to concentrate on extra dry patches!


3.  Keep rosewater spray on hand. Use it as a toner to spritz on before moisturizing in the morning. Take some with you to quickly refresh throughout the day!