BLUMOSS Babe Q&A: Sensible Stylista

Created By : 17-Mar-2015 Write By: BLUMOSS Published In: BLUMOSS Babes Hits: 3151 Comment: 0

Sensible Stylista blogger pick is BLUMOSS Balconette Mesh Bikini

Meet BLUMOSS Babe and blogger, Kim of Sensible Stylista. This Baltimore-based teacher and classical pianist is passionate about fashion and beauty. We loved how she casually paired the Heron Mesh Panel Balconette Bikini Top with a pair of denim shorts, so we caught up with her to learn more about her East Coast style and what she really thinks about BLUMOSS babes:

BM: Give us the rundown on Sensible Stylista!

SS: Well, I first started blogging for fun in 2011, but now it’s my second job.  I write posts on fashion, beauty, home + living, and fitness – most of my blasts are personal style posts though. I’m all about looking fab on a budget. I take great pride in my bargain-shopping skills and consider myself to be a smart shopper who knows exactly when to save and when to splurge.

BM: What is the most challenging thing when it comes to swimwear shopping?

SS: Well, I’m self-conscious about my back fat so I’m mad picky about bottoms.

BM: My BLUMOSS Blogger Pick is...

SS: The Heron Mesh Panel Balconette Bikini.

BM: Finish this sentence: BLUMOSS Babes are...

SS: Effortlessly sexy.

Swimsuiting Tip: Take It To The Top

Created By : 11-Mar-2015 Write By: BLUMOSS Published In: SWIMSUITING Tips Hits: 3108 Comment: 0

Bottom-conscious? Accentuate your upper half! Choose a style with details such as the keyhole neckline and fine, lattice back of the Skala Maillot.

Happy International Women's Day!

Created By : 08-Mar-2015 Write By: BLUMOSS Published In: BLUMOSS Buzz Hits: 2913 Comment: 0

Our gift to you: #IWD2015

Today, March 8th, is International Women's Day! First celebrated in 1911, this special day is held in tribute to women all over the world. Here at BLUMOSS, we applaud the achievements of women, support gender equality and are passionate about helping women discover their own beauty - inside and out. So please, grab your girlfiends and head out for a day on the town. Cheers to YOU, our BLUMOSS Babes!


Hello BLUMOSS Babe!

Created By : 06-Mar-2015 Write By: BLUMOSS Published In: BLUMOSS Buzz Hits: 5826 Comment: 0

Welcome to the BLUMOSS Blog - where we’ll be covering all things from wanderlusting to swimsuiting. Yes - you heard us right. SWIMSUITING. Because that’s what we’re here for - to take away your worries, support you through the bikini fit process and tell you that you look beautiful under those horrible, dressing room lights. We’re here to make your SWIMSUITING experience a fun and positive one. After all, you are a #BLUMOSSbabe!